Sinalcabo's Quality Management System (QMS) was first certified by SGS in November 2007. Since then, Sinalcabo has regarded quality as an indispensable tool to ensure the continuous improvement of its management processes. To this aim, we have followed the following basic principles:
- A commitment to ensure the satisfaction of its Customers and all other stakeholders through the fulfilment of contractual requirements;
- Compliance with all standards, regulatory and legal requirements applicable to the telecommunications and energy sectors;
- Controlling the risks associated with the activities carried out by the company in order to reduce the likelihood of accidents;
- Stimulating demand for and development of opportunities for business growth and innovation;
- Developing the skills and abilities of its employees, with a view to the correct exercise of their duties and responsibilities, and to ensure that everyone's work is appreciated;
- Encouraging cooperation and fostering teamwork as a means of sharing resources and contributing to the company's growth;
- Streamlining mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers and partners;
- Promoting the continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, through the setting and achievement of quality targets.
In October 2017, Sinalcabo transitioned to the NP EN ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management) standard. In June 2021, as a result of the development of new activities, it furthered its commitment with a new certification – Fluorinated Gases (ET 02 10).
With the aim of continuing to grow and diversify its activities and to continuously improve its processes, in June 2022, Sinalcabo invested in the certification of the normative references NP EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management), NP EN ISO 45001:2019 (Occupational Health and Safety Management), and NP 4492:2010 (Maintenance Services Provision).
External suppliers of Sinalcabo should consult the requirements for Environment and Occupational Health and Safety required for the provision of services in the following document: Environmental and Safety Requirements. This document also includes the criteria for evaluating external suppliers, which are used by Sinalcabo to monitor and assess the performance of its supply chain.
We understand that our responsibility goes beyond our “doors”, in this context we make questionnaires available to all Interested Parties, so that they can actively participate in the continuous improvement of our SIG-QAS and its associated processes.